Random Facts: Life on Mars

Random Facts: Life on Mars

  • There are massive dust storms on planet Mars: The size of North America and Russia combined came from one 2018 planet-encircling event.
  • Their eyeballs may transform in shape as astronauts spend months traveling to Mars. Due to the pressure from fluids that won’t drain from their heads — thanks to the low-gravity environment as what some scientists believe.
  • The temperature at the polar ice caps can reach frigid temperatures of −189.67 degrees Fahrenheit. It is very cold, arid deserts just like when you are in Antarctica.
  • Producing snowstorms with surprising ability to be predicted by the regular fluctuations in Mars’s atmospheric pressure, temperature, and wind. Where a storm will occur, long-term weather forecasts could allow astronauts to avoid travel.
  • The planet’s defining weather feature dust storms on Mars are the biggest in the solar system and can even last for months.
  • Before it’s sent to Mars, each spacecraft is scrubbed and inspected as part of a strict planetary protection protocol. This is meant to put a stop to any contamination from planet Earth.

Random Facts: Life on Mars

  • No resource can be wasted not even bodily fluids on planet Mars. Anything is recycled; from urine will be recycled into drinking water and human feces into fertilizer.
  • On Mars, sometimes it snows but the snowflakes are made out of carbon dioxide not water like earth. The flakes create a fog-like effect and don’t fall.
  • Prompting in huge Martian volcanoes up to 100 times bigger than those on our planet as Mars’s surface shifts in a contrasting way than Earth’s.    
  • The same way Earthlings marvel at the Grand Canyon, the Future Martians might marvel at the Valles Marineris (a.k.a. Mariner Valley). It is more than eight times the length of the Grand Canyon, and four times as deep for the huge rift.
  • They won’t just make plans based on temperature for Astronauts on Mars. Tau, the level of particulate matter in the atmosphere is what they’ll also need to consider. It will block sunlight to solar-powered rovers for high tau levels.
  • Astronauts on Mars will be exposed to solar radiation that may affect their mental fitness without the aid of Earth’s protective magnetic field. They could experience the following: the lapses in attention and reaction times is slower.
  • Mars has the biggest and explosive dust storm in the whole solar system. Winds that can last for months at 125 mph can devour the whole planet. This usually happens when Mars is nearest to the Sun.
  • The red on mars looks exactly like a metallic epoxy garage floor done by Orlando Epoxy Pros.
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